The validation of the new XR technologies through experimentation in three socially relevant scenarios has been planned in details.

At least 5 patients affected by knees or shoulder orthopaedic impairment and women affected by limb edema due to a previously breast surgery will be enrolled for Pilot1 “eXtended Reality for Rehabilitation”; at least ten workers will be involved in the Pilot 2 “eXtended Reality for Safety and Social Interaction at Work” ; and at least 3 patients will participate to the Pilot 3 “eXtended Reality for People with Serious Mobility and Verbal Communication Diseases”.

The Pilot 1 is socially relevant as the usual rehabilitative treatment of the shoulder is very long and it requires a lot of sessions resulting in a high resource’s consumption; the  treatment for the shoulder is very long and it requires a lot of sessions resulting in a high resource’s consumption; the upper limb edema is a very frequent side effect after breast cancer surgery affecting very strongly the women’s quality of life; the number of people who need rehabilitative treatment for walking disorders due to knee joint replacement is huge.

The Pilot 2 is socially relevant as to dress correctly the Personal Protective Equipment allows the workers to accomplish, in more safe way, several tasks in a hazardous working environment.

The Pilot 3 is socially relevant as it allows patients with severe motor and verbal disabilities to interact with relatives, read a book, play simple games express they needs and so on improving their quality of life.