SUN Pilots
The project will assess the developed technologies in these three real life scenarios:
1) Extended reality for rehabilitation
2) Extended reality for safety and social interaction at work
3) Extended reality for people with serious mobility and verbal communication diseases.

eXtended reality for Rehabilitation ↘
The aim of the proposed rehabilitation scenario is to motivate the patient to exercise efficiently by providing feedback in relation to performance, while the physiotherapy exercises are performed in any setting, e.g. clinical, at home, indoors, outdoors or even in public areas. This scenario is based on the use of a digital tool employing VR,AR, and MR to assist and monitor the individual motor learning in the context of a supervised personalized remote exercise rehabilitation program for the management of injuries/pathologies. The digital tool will also enable supervised personal training
eXtended reality for
safety and social interaction at work ↘
AR and VR can create more immersive experiences for people at work in order to make their job safer, by providing new ways to be aware of possible hazards and receive more effective, engaging and entertaining training on safety procedures. This is to alert and prevent serious accidents provoked by the co-occurrences of different causes, which can be avoided by conscious collaboration. With VR/AR headsets, workers will be able, for example, to better understand difficult-to-grasp concepts or topics such as protocols and procedures for safety and security.
eXtended reality for people with serious mobility and verbal communication diseases ↘
Some people with various motor disabilities or after strokes have huge difficulties in communicating with each other and even to address their vital needs. The project will join the challenge to find a dedicated communication pathway for those people introducing the possibility to interact with some specific social cues and transform them in clear communication or actions.