On January 22, we held our first SUN-XR stakeholder meeting at the Clinique romande de réadaptation. It was an excellent opportunity to bring together representatives of patients’ associations (@Fragile Suisse), clinicians and innovation specialists (@The ARK, @EPFL). We also had the chance to welcome 6 chronic stroke patients to the workshop, who shared their own experiences about the disease. As these patients are experts in the impairments and repercussions of their condition on their daily lives, they were able to challenge us to better define the objectives of this project through active discussions. Their valuable input enabled us to improve our understanding of their needs. Involving end-users in the development phase is a commitment of the SUN-XR project that will guarantee the usefulness of the solutions developed in the future.

#Fragile Valais; #The ARK; #EPFL, #CRR; #Stroke