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Interaction within XR collaborative spaces

Interaction within XR collaborative spaces

The core of XR collaboration is not just sharing a virtual space, but enhancing how users interact within it. The visualization of communication cues, such as hand and gaze, is critical in intuitively conveying the intentions and actions of collaborators, thus,...

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AI for monitoring of the body kinematics

AI for monitoring of the body kinematics

Wearable-based sensing technologies enable ubiquitous and continuous monitoring of the body kinematics, while being egocentric, and do not suffer from occlusion or poor lighting, like camera-based solutions. @ThinGenious, in @SUNxr.he EU research project, leverages...

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SUN XR approach to privacy.

SUN XR approach to privacy.

A new report from New York University is detailing the major privacy concerns that come with the Metaverse: Project SUN is not only identifying cyber and security risks but also detecting them in real-time. .           

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Non-invasive deep brain stimulation

Non-invasive deep brain stimulation

At EPFL, a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation approach called transcranial temporal interference stimulation (tTIS) is being developed for the SUN project. Combined with XR, this technology could improve motor and cognitive abilities in patients suffering from...

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Multimodal data fusion

Multimodal data fusion

When more than one modality (sensors, cameras, etc.) are deployed to a system for the same reason, it is essential to find robust and efficient ways to combine their data to improve the system’s performance. This is the role of multimodal fusion, a task researched by...

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Meeting with ASL NO to define Rehab scenarios

Meeting with ASL NO to define Rehab scenarios

On June 26 the first meeting dealing the Rehab pilot was hosted by ASL-NO in the "Versilia di Camaiore Hospital". During the meeting SUN XR was presented to a group of physiatrists and physiotherapists and comments and needs have been collected. Further meetings will...

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Meeting with FACTOR to define pilot scenarios

Meeting with FACTOR to define pilot scenarios

On June 8 the first meeting dealing with the scenario definition of the pilot related to “Extended reality for safety and social interaction at work” was held. The meeting was hosted by FACTOR in their factory. During the meeting, user requirements have been collected...

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Use of XR in a working environment

Use of XR in a working environment

On July 11 of this year, Hololight’s Head of Research Carina Pamminger traveled to 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮, 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻 to meet with fellow SUN consortium partner Factor at their national headquarters 🚀 Joined by colleagues from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), a successful...

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SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

    On October the 18th SUN was presented during the Stereopsia event in Brussels. It was a great opportunity to discuss about issues related to communication both internal and external and SUN representatives describe a possible innovative approach in...

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SUN-XR to help stroke patients to recover.

SUN-XR to help stroke patients to recover.

Annually, 15 million people are affected by a stroke worldwide. For a third of these patients, the stroke is fatal, while another third will suffer permanent disability. Rehabilitation process for the patients starts in the early days after the injury and represents a...

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Currently, Factor Ingeniería y Decoletaje, partner in the SUN Project, is in the process of digitizing the company, focusing its efforts to achieve the philosophy of smart manufacturing. The use of devices enabling data collection for processing is essential. Through...

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Rendering sense of touch in virtual manipulation

Rendering sense of touch in virtual manipulation

Rendering sense of touch in virtual manipulation is a challenging objective: acceptable dimensions and weight of wearable devices worn at fingertips is quite limited, on the other hand, interaction forces in physical manipulation are relatively high, requiring bigger...

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HOLO vision of SUN XR

HOLO vision of SUN XR

Let's push the development of #XR solutions through our close partnership with Sun.HE We at Holo-Light are committed to emphasise the significance of The SUN Project, which is dedicated to find new ways to make XR more convincing and naturalistic. This project doesn't...

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SUN XR has been presented at the NEM Summit 2023, an international conference and exhibition, open to co-located events and organised every year since 2008 by the NEM Initiative (New European Media – European Technology Platform) for all those interested in...

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Valencia plenary meeting

Valencia plenary meeting

On 23rd and 24th of November the SUN project first year end plenary meeting took place. Baseline technologies, Scenarios and Communication activities have been presented and strategy for the mid term milestones were discussed. Video related to thechnologies

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Neural Radiance Field application in SUN XR

Neural Radiance Field application in SUN XR

Generating realistic renderings of real-world scenes using traditional computer vision techniques is a complex process. Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is revolutionizing how we capture and interact with the 3D world. By utilizing advanced deep learning algorithms, NeRF...

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Integration of cutting-edge AI and computer vision techniques.

Integration of cutting-edge AI and computer vision techniques.

By integrating cutting-edge AI and computer vision techniques, SUN XR will enable users to search within a scene in real-time using textual cross-modal queries. Imagine being in a bustling factory, seeking a specific item. Now, instead of manually sifting through the...

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  The SUN.XR project focuses on rehabilitating women who have undergone mastectomy. In 2020, breast cancer affected 2.3 million women, with around 7.8 million worldwide living with a recent breast cancer diagnosis (WHO, July 17, 2023). The extensive surgery often...

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Introduction of OAC, a project use case partner

Introduction of OAC, a project use case partner

In the framework of user requirements, we conducted interviews with the use case partners in the SUN project in order to understand better their needs and uncover insights and opportunities for desinging better the XR project pilots and applications. In this post, we...

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IGOODI and the development of AVATARS

IGOODI and the development of AVATARS

IGOODI is strongly committed to the SUN XE Project's ambitious vision of building new, more believable, and more agile opportunities for human and social connection between the physical and virtual worlds. Towards this direction, our ability to generate...

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Collaboration in XR to ease interactive experience

Collaboration in XR to ease interactive experience

Collaboration in XR transforms the way users work together by providing an immersive shared environment that facilitates interactive experiences. In a collaborative environment participants can not only see each other’s position in space but observe their gestures or...

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Our partner ASL-NO presented SUN at "Festival della robotica" held in Pisa (IT)on May, 19-21. The aim of the Festival was to share the state of the art of the most advanced research and applications of robotics and artificial intelligence, in relation to numerous...

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