AI for monitoring of the body kinematics

AI for monitoring of the body kinematics

Wearable-based sensing technologies enable ubiquitous and continuous monitoring of the body kinematics, while being egocentric, and do not suffer from occlusion or poor lighting, like camera-based solutions. @ThinGenious, in @SUNxr.he EU research project, leverages...
SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

    On October the 18th SUN was presented during the Stereopsia event in Brussels. It was a great opportunity to discuss about issues related to communication both internal and external and SUN representatives describe a possible innovative approach in...
SUN XR approach to privacy.

SUN XR approach to privacy.

A new report from New York University is detailing the major privacy concerns that come with the Metaverse: Project SUN is not only identifying cyber and security risks but also detecting them in real-time. .         ...
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