by Fabio Perossini | Feb 6, 2023 | News
ThinGenious acquired the Trigno Research+ System by Delsys, a state of the art sensory toolset including #EMG, IMU and goniometer sensors to capture the body kinematics and muscular activations during rehabilitation exercises for the lower limbs. Its goal is to...
by Fabio Perossini | Nov 30, 2022 | D&C, Events, News
SUN 101092612 project has been presented during the Horizon Europe info day in Malta on November the 30th. Interesting contacts have been estabilished for future...
by Fabio Perossini | Nov 26, 2022 | Consortium
CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE CNR will participate in the project with Italy’s Institute of Information Science and Technologies, the largest CNR institute for computer science. SUN will involve the Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities (AIMH) lab, and...
by Fabio Perossini | Nov 25, 2022 | Consortium
ENGINEERING – INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA Large ICT Company. The R&D Department (250 resources), directly involved in SUN carries out research on software and transfers related knowledge to the business units. Its competences include open virtual platforms;...